Group Show


'Nocturnal Ballads' revolves around themes from Romantic literature, poetic forest imagery, the elusiveness of dreams, and nocturnal tales. Despite their diverse conceptual backgrounds, the works share a lyrical, Romantic approach, echoing ancient stories, myths, and legends that flourish in the liminal and mysterious space of night. Dissolving the boundary between fantasy and reality, these contemporary stories carve their paths through the dark woods of the imagination. With Jean-Marie APPRIOU, CHANG Yachin , CHEN Ke, FU Rao, Laurent GRASSO, Gregor HILDEBRANDT, Klara KRISTALOVA, Yves LALOY, MENG Yangyang, Farhad MOSHIRI, Christiane POOLEY, Mark RYDEN, ZHAO Yang , Chiho AOSHIMA On view at Perrotin Shanghai until October 26.